A group of romantically oriented poems, treating with love (not lost love at this point), what beauty is, and similar themes. To me, there is nothing in life more important than love--it's the sole reason we're here on Earth, and its the purest pleasure we can ever know. To live, truly live, is to love, and these represent my deeper meditations on that, often inspired by a very particular, very specific love...although those will all remain completely anonymous.
I. Soft-Spoken Beauty
Soft-spoken beauty dwells in her gaze,
A fierce passion belying a meek exterior,
Simmering to be free of inhibition.
Her beauty is at once entrancing and terrible,
A spell-binding seductress, a vicious beast,
Too wonderful to ignore, too dangerous to touch.
What I wouldn’t give in sacrifice for her
To look upon me in the way I so desire,
To turn those beautiful and deadly graces on me,
To cast me in their exclusive favor,
No price would be too high, to that end,
And nothing would I withhold.
For to be in the presence of that soft-spoken beauty,
To revel in its passion, and dance
With its danger, to touch her, to hold her,
To love her is worth all that I hold sacred.
Nothing would I withhold.
II. Glimpses of Paradise
I have never known perfection, but I see glimmers
Of it reflected in your golden skin, shining tantalizingly
In your dark eyes.
Echoes of this prophesied greatness resound
In your unearthly beauty, and ripples, growing
Ever more forcefully, dance across your soul.
But for all its vaunted glory, perfection is naught
But a word--a false ideal, a bemusing, illusory
Promise of some vain salvation. Beauty too, but
A mere word--imperfect and impermanent.
Yet you are real, you are tangible.
Yet your beauty is striking, your mind is sharp,
Your character good-natured, your heart willing
And your importance strong and undeniable.
You are inspiration--the muse and the
Desire both, a scintillating goddess whose luster
And character would shame the dawn.
Perfection is but an ideal, beauty but a word,
But you are real.
You are the ultimate goal, the deepest desire.
And forever will your personage, your grace, and your charm
Be imprinted upon the makeup of this
Flickering world.
III. An Ode
No words are there in my hard-stricken mind
To describe the beauty that wraps you tight;
Its embrace unending, its countenance marvelously bright.
Truly, language must always fail to describe the sight
Of you, for your beauty could enamor the blind.
The blind could wonder at you who shines so—
Like a star daintily fallen to an unworthy earth,
Or a glowing, polished treasure of incalculable worth.
Brilliantly, blindingly, beautifully bringing great mirth
To all fortunate enough to be enraptured in your glow.
Oh, for a deep-piercing gaze to behold your soul;
How happy is he who can see its true shades.
Red with love, hot with compassion, never to fade
Despite the enduring trials life has for you laid.
A kind, warm soul, bright as roaring coals.
At times, don’t be taken to find that I have
Mistaken you for a goddess. Your radiant glory,
Far surpassing all, is unearthly. I often worry
That I am too unworthy, too low, too sadly sorry
To stand in your presence, yet its warmth I still crave.
All embodied in your soft, gentle mortal form
Is the presence of love, true and ever strong.
To see you is to cherish you, to pine and long
For your comfort, to hear the sweet song
Of your voice. Love encircles you like a storm.
If only you knew how I burned inside,
The fire that rages in me when I think of you.
Warming my heart and soul, a love-fire true.
And if ever it dies, you always light it anew,
Keeping me burning—and on air I glide.
Passion overcomes me in a mighty fit;
I cannot still my thumping, trembling heart.
Nor can I cease smiling by any human art.
No, unbridled my passion overflows for its part,
Calling out to you, with all my dull wits.
In your face, your heart, your embrace I find
Euphoria and complete ecstasy. Filling my very veins
With a buzzing, blissful pleasure, otherwise hard to attain.
How happy is he who by your silken side has lain,
For whom destiny and desire so graciously aligned.
Your image in my mind can calm any unease;
Serenity is your constant companion, your shadow,
Latent in every dulcet word that from your lips flows,
Peaceful, tranquil—your presence softens every blow
That may fall upon me to naught but a light breeze.
Love lurks in every lurid thought of you,
Brimming over the edge, stronger than any folly
Of untried youth. No, this love is true, jolly
In its unfathomable depths, issuing forth volley
After volley of affectionate praise I cannot subdue.
I tell you now, we are drawn to each other,
It’s the laws of nature. I with so much love to give,
You who deserve no less. Our lives to live
In harmony, should we meet. It is what drives
Us towards one another, a want for lasting lovers.
Time with you is a jewel I would always treasure.
To spend one day, one minute, one second in your graces,
To hold you in my arms, in one brief embrace,
Would make me smile so, just to see your face
Next to mine. It’s a value I cannot measure.
But its not just for my joy I desire this—
No, I do think it would be a boon to you as well.
Forever would I strive to in love’s arts excel,
So that you might never know misery’s hell
Again. Together, we might share in untold bliss.
If ever you should deign to favor me with
A kiss, I think my heart might burst for glee.
But I would not mind, no, I would delightfully
Take the blow for but a brief moment of pure ecstasy.
Your magical, heavenly kiss told of only in myth.
Take these words all, and take them well I pray.
For it is impassioned love that wrought them today.
A hope for enduring love, this wish I say;
That may you be by my side whatever way
We may take. My heart’s longings are yours to allay.
IV. Dance With Me
Like fresh-fallen leaves twirled about on autumnal winds,
Like dappled sunlight across the surface of crystalline waters,
As shadows swirling about by the blaze of inviting firelight,
Dance with me; wash away the burden of my heart’s sins,
Dance with me; banish the cold and the dark of weary night.
Across all the surface of the wondrous earth dance with me,
Twisting, turning, spinning in an eternal, evanescent embrace,
Keeping step with the slow passage of time too quickly spent,
Swirling in the light and the dark, across lush land and lusty sea,
Dance with me, drink in this world’s every sight, sound, and scent.
Let me hold you if but for just an instant fast in my arms,
Let my love-flames warm your soul as we have our dance,
As your body warms my heart with its oft longed for presence,
Let me hold you just this once, let me just take in your charms,
Let me just smile as you look on me, as you fill my every sense.
I devoutly wish that you might overwhelm my senses forever,
That my flesh know no caress as soft as your petal-like skin,
That my eyes know no sight other than your sublime face,
That my ears know a sweeter song than your voice never,
And my mouth no sweeter nectar than your kiss to taste.
So dance with me, as I close my eyes now and dream,
Dream that just for one instant I might have your love,
And you my passion embrace with an equal euphoric delight,
Dance with me, and unmatched paradise my world may seem,
Dance with me, and let for one perfect instant my dreams take flight.
V. In The Beautiful Places
I want to write your name in the stars
And burn my passion for you into the sun.
The night flies from your luminous soul
And you fill my days with cloudless skies.
The music of your voice caresses me on the wind,
And the warmth of day is as your embrace.
I see you, smiling, in the highest peaks
And the most profound depths of azure,
In the smoky air of crisp twilight
And in the pillowed bosom of the roses.
I see you, smiling, in all the beautiful places.
I want to write your name in the stars.
VI. Dream of Your Love
Cradled in my arms on a bed of rose petals,
Softly whispering ‘I love you’ in your ear,
Helping you into my passionate embrace settle,
Until all the world a second paradise appears.
‘En mi tierra desierta eres tú la ultima rosa,’
Showering poetry over your body of moonlight,
Holding you tight and soft, clasped as a
Butterfly—your kiss makes me heaven’s king tonight.
As I lay you down, drowning in your lips’ nectar,
Resting my head on your sweet-smelling tresses,
By your side all want is an invisible specter,
Lost and forgotten in the ecstasy of your caresses.
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